The Prince Albert Skills School serves the most marginalized young people in our Prince Albert community and has done so for two years. The school offers life and employment skills development for a group of 15 teenage boys who have fallen out of the schooling system for a range of reasons, often because of lack of parental support, or because of emotional and mental difficulties. At this stage, fewer than ten Prince Albert residents support us financially and that funding will carry us until the end of November. We need a minimum of R7000 a month to run, money which pays the teacher’s salary and buys food and other essentials. We would like to appeal to Prince Albert residents who can afford it, to help us with a small amount every month, anything from R50 up, so that we can continue helping these boys and preventing them from turning to destructive alternatives such as crime and drugs. The boys that have been with us for a while are developing really well, and it is so exciting to see the changes in them. Please consider supporting us. Or contact us for more information at, or simply come and visit us on the small rugby field at Hoerskool Zwartberg.