Prince Albert Accommodation Health and Safety Compact

Our village and our businesses understand the potentially deadly consequences of taking health and safety lightly during the Covid-19 pandemic.

To offer comfort to travelers permitted to stay in Prince Albert, the Tourism Association has put together the following minimum protocols for places offering accommodation in line with best practices designed to minimise transmission.

In turn, we would expect visitors seeking accommodation in Prince Albert to respect and preserve our commitment to health and safety. You will be asked to submit to temperature checks as well as provide your ID and cell numbers for contract tracing. Please stay away if you are ill and seek medical treatment.

Prince Albert’s protocols require staff and guests to wear masks; practice hand sanitisation; refrain from touching eyes, nose and mouth; cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue or elbow; and observe physical distancing. In addition, the following guidelines apply:


  • All employees should be trained to understand the virus and minimise associated risks;
  • Ensure they have to hand telephone numbers for the chemist, doctors, regional public and private hospitals;
  • Areas where staff work should allow for 1.5m between employees;
  • Ask employees to clean and sanitise regularly all surfaces and materials where increased risks exist (especially frequently-touched areas such as taps, handles, doors, countertops, kettles, light switches, etc.). When possible, ventilate areas when cleaning;
  • Employees should wear (and then dispose of or wash) gloves when coming into contact with items used by guests (linens, towels, cutlery), cleaning and sanitising.



  • Common areas – lounge, breakfast area, libraries, etc., should be closed;
  • Outdoor areas with furniture should be arranged so that guests can maintain physical distancing. Regularly sanitise surfaces where guests sit or work;
  • Provide sanitising sprays and/or gels in easy accessible areas where staff work and where guests sleep. Encourage their regular use;
  • Offer contactless check-in and check-out where possible. If not, sanitise each item required (pen, registration form, room key) and hands in front of the arriving guest prior to any guest interaction. Guests should be required to sanitise hands and credit cards. The credit card machine should be sanitised before and after every use. Do not accept cash – credit cards, cardless payment systems like Snapscan and cleared EFT payments are preferable.
  • Washing and drying machines should be set to the hottest setting when cleaning bedding, linens, towels and masks.
  • Delivery personnel should not be allowed into the facility; guests should ask to be notified and receive their meal, or package outside. Packaging and surface areas where delivered goods touch should be sanitised.


General health checks

  • Medical surveillance should include monitoring staff and guests daily for early detection with temperature screening.