Prince Albert Chronicles – July August 2023

Sep 4, 2023 | Article

How can we not start off by gushing about the spectacular natural splendor carpeting Prince Albert and surrounds currently. The good winter rains brought out the most dazzling flower display, our heads are happily spinning in the kaleidoscope of colours.

Prince Albert hosted another wonderful Zwartberg Trapsuutjies mountain bike and trail running challenge beginning August and what would all that exercise be without a lekker Plaaskombuisfees kuier to reward the dedictated sporty sorts and their supporters.

Prince Albert welcomed back the much-missed Leesfees literary festival this August. The weekend of words ensured town was awash with authors, film writers, and literature fans alike, here is to more of the same next year.

Matric Class of 2023!
In July our beautiful Zwartberg High School pupils dazzled the town in their fabulous finery. We wish them well with the upcoming exams, upwards and onwards, go out and make Prince Albert proud.

Sometimes treading on eggshells is not such a bad thing.
Avoova, a proudly Prince Albert business, creates handcrafted, functional art using sustainably sourced Ostrich Eggshells. Thousands of shards are transformed into beautiful works of art by a small group of highly skilled artisans all residing in our beautiful town.

It’s just not ball if it’s not netball.
Not even cold July weather could deter enthusiasts as netball fever hit Prince Albert in a big way in the lead up to the Netball World Cup which played out in Cape Town end July.

The cheerful atmosphere and deliciously broad range of dishes ensure visitors and locals return to The Rude Chef Bistro time and time again. The big question: is she rude or isn’t she, our lips are sealed suffice to say the restaurant is perfect for the whole family, furry friends included.

Mother Nature has been putting on a spectacular show at the base of the Swartberg Pass. Entry is free and show times are continuous, so no excuses to miss this natural extravaganza!

Spreading the garden love in North End with Sue Dean and Renu-Karoo Nursery who generously donated beautiful Karoo plants to all our garden competition entrants. Happy gardening, and good luck for the judging end September, watch this space.

We started our July/August Prince Albert Chronicles with images of sunshine and flowers. Hard to believe that less than two months earlier we could also experience freezing temperatures and snow. The Karoo may be an area of extremes, but beauty certainly remains constant!